• TSNY’s Digital SAT Courses are adapted from MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) style courses popularized by universities like Harvard and Stanford. Our classes don’t let in hundreds of students, but the idea is similar. We know from experience that student participation drops drastically the second that course size exceeds 3—yes, 3— students. As a result, there isn’t much of a difference between being in a class of 12 and a class of 40. Universities know this, which is why they offer large lecture classes!

    We’ve adapted this idea in order to help students access elite test prep without paying hundreds of dollars an hour.

    Each class is taught by an instructor and teaching assistant (TA), and lasts 2 and a half hours, with two breaks. During the first hour and forty five minutes of the course, the instructor will use a set of slides and a whiteboard to teach students the day’s material. Each class focuses on a mix of verbal and math skills. As the instructor teaches, the Teaching Assistant will gather questions from students and send out polls to evaluate whether the instructor needs to spend more time on a given topic.

    The final forty five minutes of class are devoted to answering student questions, which the TA collects from students during class. (To ensure that we get through the material, we save questions until after we’ve covered the day’s topics.)

    Following class, students are given homework assignments using a combination of Test Innovators, 1600.io, the College Board Question bank, and the TSNY Guide to Grammar. We break the assignments down by day so that students have an easier time staying on top of their work.

    Students will be assigned to take 3-4 timed practice tests throughout the course.

  • Classes meet once a week for 2 and a half hours via Zoom!

  • Students receive free subscriptions to Test Innovators and 1600.io, two leading SAT prep softwares. Most of their homework assignments will be completed on those sites. Beyond that, we use a combination of materials from the College Board, like the College Board Question Bank, and other free materials. Students will also receive the TSNY Guide to Grammar, and the TSNY Guide to Student Success.

  • Test Innovators is a leading SAT prep software that features ten practice tests and thousands of practice questions. Through Test Innovators, students receive detailed analysis of their performance on tests and homework. Moreover, they receive their homework directly through the site, and track their progress. So can we! Test Innovators allows us to see how much of the homework students are completing, and how much progress they’re making, which allows us to make adjustments to the syllabus as needed.

  • 1600.io is an industry leading SAT prep software. It offers students top of the line math instruction, practice exercises, training and explanation videos, and a variety of tutorials. It also helps students learn how to use the DESMOS calculator, a critical component of the Digital SAT. We partner with 1600.io to provide students with hands on practice and detailed instruction that they can use to internalize what they learn in class.

  • All of our courses cost $350 before taxes, which covers the cost of all ten classes and all materials. Of course, it can cost less if you take advantage of our referral program!

    When students buy the materials we use in class separately, they cost upwards of $300—before tax! We provide all of these materials plus 25 hours of instruction for just $350. It’s the best deal in test prep.

  • These classes are great for students of all levels, but are especially helpful for students who want a comprehensive review course that covers all facets of the exam. Students who have studied before but are struggling to improve their scores, and students who have not done much studying will benefit most from this class. Students who have already done significant preparation and are scoring above 1500 will also find the course helpful, but may benefit more from one-on-one tutoring.

  • You can check out our referral program page to learn more about our referral program!

  • Sadly, we do not offer refunds at this time.

  • Email us at info@tsnycourses.com and we’ll get back to you within 72 hours!